URPoint Details
The villagers reaffirm their ancient right of collecting firewood from Grovely Wood. Before daybreak the young people of the village awake every householder by banging pans and shouting, Grovely, Grovely and All Grovely. Then armed with billhooks, they trudge up the sunken lane to the Wood. There they cut green branches for their houses, and a larger bough for the church tower - May 29
Later in the morning a party of villagers. Led by the vicar, go to Salisbury Cathedral, where four women, dressed in 19th century costume and carrying nitches ‘bundles of sticks’, dance on the cathedral green.
Afterwards, the villagers go into the cathedral and the vicar reads from the charter of 1603, confirming their rights to Grovely Wood.
- Type:
- Events