URPoint Details
Chesters Fort and Museum (Cilurnum),(EH) ½m W on B6318.
Open April to October, daily 10am-6pm. November to March, Wednesday to Sunday 10am-4pm. Closed 24/26 December & 1 January. Admission charge; dogs allowed in certain areas.
Disabled parking 15m from fort entrance, with parking reserved for disabled drivers; wide ramp to admission point. Access to Fort remains via fairly easy impacted gravel path and short grass around monument; to avoid kissing gate en route to site, ask custodian for key to alternative gate; difficult access to bath house via steep slope and steps. Museum via flagstones and steps; some wheelchairs can be lifted up; seats available at entrance and inside. Sculptures to touch in museum; (note) visitors with visual impairment should bring a companion as there are many low walls. Shop has easy access via ramp. Refreshments available in summer months (privately run); snacks available from shop at other times.
The best preserved example of a Roman cavalry fort in Britain, including remains of the bath house on the banks of the River North Tyne. The museum houses a fascinating collection of Roman sculpture and inscriptions.
- Type:
- History