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A peaceful village with a group of pools known as Bosheston Lakes make an enchanting pricture when the water lilies burst into flower.
The road through the village leads on to St Govan's Head and, by the steep steps leading down to the sea lies the little Chapel wedged into a crack in the cliffs.
St Govan’s Chapel although small - a mere just 17ft by 12ft, Govan’s story is pure speculation and could have been King Arthur's knight Sir Gawaine Coren, wife of a 6th-century prince, or the Irish Saint Gobham.
Outside the chapel a boulder known as Bell Rock is said to contain a silver bell, which was in the bell tower, but was stolen by pirates angels brought the bell back and hid it in the rock.
Nearby there is a deep narrow ravine called Huntsman's Leap. The story behind the name is that a brave man jumped his horse over it and, having safely landed, died of fright when he realised the great risk he had taken.
- Type:
- Landmark